High Gibe River Valley
Five days trip into the Gurage region and the nature of the Gibe Sheleko National park; exploring an environment rich in wildlife and forests; enjoying the vernacular architecture of our traditional gurage [...]
Five days trip into the Gurage region and the nature of the Gibe Sheleko National park; exploring an environment rich in wildlife and forests; enjoying the vernacular architecture of our traditional gurage [...]
Three days trip along a road that goes north through the Ethiopian plateau where the big tributaries of the Blue Nile flow Few kilometres from Addis Ababa, to the north, it begins [...]
Five days trip through parks and villages of Gurage, Hadiya, Wolayta, Gamo Gofa and Sidamo; markets by candle lights, artistic huts, nature and wildlife of the Rift Valley Peoples that live along [...]
Five days trip along the Rift Valley, driving and walking at the four-thousand-metre high Sanetti Plateau; excursion at the Sof Omar Caves towards the plain of the Somali region The highest road [...]
Three days trip in Lake Tana walking through coffee plantation and ancient monasteries among the forests of the islands Lake Tana is the sea that Ethiopia does not have. It has a [...]
Two and half days trip across the villages of Embdbir, Maganasse and Wegepecha forest to deepen the knowledge of Gurage traditions. Gurage area is on the west side of the rift valley. [...]
Three days trip across the wildlife and nature of an untouched Afroalpine environment in the highlands of north Shoa region Guassa plateau is on the highlands of north Shoa region. A watershed [...]
Two and half day trip fishing along the banks of the Gibe river The little-known Gibe Valley National Park is at 200 km West of Addis Abeba, between Gurage and Oromo zone. [...]
Two days and half trip in a savannah landscape where Awash river flows into a panoramic gorge Awash National Park is in the Eastern part of Ethiopia, a dry savannah, typical of [...]
Two days and half trip in Gurage area, sleeping in a traditional hut and walking through villages, rivers and waterfalls In a Gurage village, about 230 km south west of Addis, at [...]