
East Ethiopia: short Danakil tour with Awash – MT09

Essential itinerary in the Danakil depression, ideal for who has just few days but wants to visit the most fascinating and evocative desert of East Africa, one of the few places in [...]

East Ethiopia: complete Danakil tour with markets – MT10

Complete itinerary that, after several interesting stops along the road to visit colorful markets, will lead you to the Danakil depression in all of its most attractive corners: from the capital of [...]

Western Ethiopia: expedition to Surma and low Omo Valley – MT11

Original itinerary along roads rarely visited by tourists: Western Ethiopia is a remote area, unpredictable and fascinating where the population still preserves traditions and unchanged authenticity. It is an expedition because in [...]

East Ethiopia: expediton to Sheick Hussein and Bale – MT12

Original trip that brings you into the less known areas in Ethiopia: the Muslim-sufi East and Bale National Park. Spectacular landscapes are the scenery of a religious life much different from the [...]