Ethiopia, the value of diversity
There are over 80 ethnic groups in Ethiopia, the main characteristic that differentiates them is the language, that also allows to recognize the ancient origins of these tribes: the Semitic, that migrated and then returned back from Arabia, the Cushitic, coming from the central Africa, the Nilo-Saharan that migrated from the Nile basin…but is the love for their homeland and the pride of belonging to a nation rich in history and tradition that joins this kaleidoscope of etnies .
- Hamer
- Tsemay
- Kara
- Dessanech
- Mursi
- Oromo
- Nuer
- Suri
- Afar
- Afar
- Harar
- Tigray
- Tigray
- Amhara
- Amhara
- Tigray
For the people living in the highlands, religion is an essential part of the daily life, therefore ceremonies like Timkat, the baptism of Christ, or Meskel, the discovery of the true cross, are celebrated with big processions. The participation of the community is very high, and the feeling is very authentic. In the daily life also the famous coffee ceremony is a not to be missed appointment: a convivial rite full of tradition. Differently in the South tribes use to celebrate events mostly connected to essential moments in life, such as weddings or rites of passage inside the community.
- Orthodox followers praying
- Diacons choir at Hosaina celebration in Aksum
- Magnificence of the Ethiopian orthodox church
- Coreography of the Palm’s sunday celebration in Axum
- Timket procession in a remote island in Ziway lake
- Boat Timket procession in lake Ziway
- Night Milhela celebration in Aksum
- Prayers at dawn, Milhela celebration at Aksum
- Chants at the annual celebration in the sanctuary of Sheick Husein
- Sheick Husein followers
- Donga, ritual combat of Surma tribe
- Dances in the Evangadi celebration among Hamer people
- Hamer tribe bull jumping
- Kara tribe celebration
- Coffee ceremony in an Amahara village
- Wedding among Karreyyu people
Ethiopian landscapes are characterized by big mountains with steep highlands, divided by the Rift Valley, that crosses the country from North to South. The great diversity and vastness of this territory allows to compare Ethiopia to a continent by itself: high mountains, lowlands, highlands, steppes, desert, forests…this multitude of environments creates a big variety of climates, vegetation, and endemic species.
- Abune Yoseph mountain around Lalibela, 4180 mt
- Simien mountains national park
- Bale mountains national park
- Harenna forest, Bale national park
- Highlands sorrounding Lalibela
- Hayk Lake, Wello region
- Tigray countryside in Gheralta region
- Terrace cultivations in Tigrai
- Shala lake, Rift valley
- Rift valley around Awash
- Tulghit mountains, Surma region
- Hamer region, Omo valley
- Abaya and Chamo lakes, Rift Valley
- Konso landscape, Unesco heritage site
- Erta ale volcano, Danakil desert
- Salt sculptures in Dallol -116 mt, Danakil desert
These galleries and many images in this website come from the generous contribution of travellers and partners of Medir Tour: Maurizio Bucci, Mauro Carta, Anna Dies, Iriano Dinielli, Danilo Morescalchi, Fabio Pinaider, Emanuele Ragni, Marco Trovato.
We could also count on the works that professional photographers and journalists gave us; they deserve a personal gallery.
Michele Dalla Palma
- Ethiopian women, ©Michele della Palma
- Addis Abeba Merkato, ©Michele della Palma
- Babile camel market, ©Michele della Palma
- Salt extraction in Danakil desert, ©Michele della Palma
- Camel loaded with salt in Danakil desert, ©Michele della Palma
- Dallol Danakil desert, ©Michele della Palma
- Harar, ©Michele della Palma
- Harari girl, ©Michele della Palma
- Surma body painting, ©Michele della Palma
- Omo valley tribe, ©Michele della Palma
- Donga ceremony among Surma, ©Michele della Palma
- Hamer women, ©Michele della Palma
- Rock hewn church in Tigray, ©Michele della Palma
- Timket celebration in Lalibela, ©Michele della Palma
- Orthodox priest in Lalibela, ©Michele della Palma